Greta Dekker

Head of International Markets | Green Economy Network NRW

“GreenTech Made in Germany” –
North Rhine-Westphalia is Leading the Way Towards a Green Economy

North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) in Germany is a key player in the green economy, with a focus on digital innovation, impacting areas such as agriculture and energy efficiency. The trading ties between NRW and the Netherlands, receiving €1.9bn in sustainable goods in 2021 from NRW, highlights the crucial mutual benefits the two economies accrue from their shared dedication to digital innovation and sustainability.


Greta Dekker, a biologist with an M.Sc. in Natural Resources Management and Development, has been working as a project manager at Prognos AG since the beginning of 2022. She specialises in climate adaptation, green economy and circular economy. With over five years of experience in international and local projects, she specialises in nature-based solutions and participatory adaptation approaches. Her aim is to promote sustainable and future-proof business development.


Visit us on 17.04.2024 at 9:00 am or watch the live stream here


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