Head of Electrical Engineering | Software and IT Department 2G Energy AG
As a manufacturer of decentralised CHP systems, digitalisation is one of the central pillars of 2G. Both at the internal process level, from production to strategic sales, and at the product level in terms of remote maintenance and power plant operation in line with the energy market, a strong focus on digital innovation ensures the company's long-term success. Only through consistent digitalisation can CHP technology fully exploit its role as the decentralised backbone of wind and solar power.
Short CV:
1999-2005 Secondary school | 2005-2008 Apprenticeship as electronics technician for industrial engineering | 2008-2012 Studies: Information and communication technology (FH-Dortmund) Degree: Bachelor of Engineering | 2012-2014 Studies: Electrical and Communication Engineering (TU-Dortmund) Degree: Master of Engineering | 2014-2017 Development Engineer Leopold Kostal GmbH & Co. KG | 2017-2020 Development Engineer 2G/Gausling | Since 2019 Head of Electrical Engineering | Since 2022 Head of Software and IT Department